What Is the Relationship Between Cannabis Strains and Extraction?

Cannabis legalization has brought both marijuana and industrial hemp to the forefront of public consciousness. The…

Which Food Must You Avoid For Healthy Teeth

Tooth decay and other periodontal diseases can still catch up with you regardless of your age.…

Treating Patients Like Customers with Telemedicine

Do you remember all the talk of customer-focused medicine when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was…

Jumping High Following an Injury

Being able to jump high following a sporting injury is a common goal for many people.…

What is the Non-Pathological Approach to Therapy?

Psychotherapy and assorted counseling therapies come in many flavors, so to speak. In other words, there…

Learn The Advantages Of Drinking Detox Tea

If you want to take good care of your health, you have to keep analyzing what…

Diabetes; 6 Foods That You Should Avoid

Avoid eating sugar if you have diabetes. This is something that we all have heard. But…

Diet changes after gastric bypass

Gastric bypass procedure alters the way your body holds food. In this write-up, you will learn…

How is a gastric balloon beneficial for you?

A gastric balloon is also known as Orbera. It is placed inside the stomach via an…

Purple foods, why include them in your diet

Purple foods are great allies of health, especially for their anthocyanins. Discover why they cannot be…

How excessive weight impacts fertility?

As we all know that obesity is responsible for the rise of loads of chronic diseases…

Is it able to cure the cancer naturally with the foods?

It is a repeated question, which is asked by the cancer patients to the doctors. To…